Teri Koff, LCSW, CMC
Aging Life Care Consultant
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Professional Geriatric Care Specialist
Teri Koff, LCSW, CMC

Resources for Older Adults




When someone is getting older, you know the challenges of daily life can become overwhelming.  Dealing with medical, financial, and legal problems, and coping with household tasks can be difficult. Resources for Older Adults is a leader in Professional Aging Life Care Consulting serving New York City and the Hamptons (eastern Long Island).

A consultation with an elder care specialist is beneficial to understanding the key issues of aging and learning effective strategies to provide safe and appropriate care to an older adult.  Teri Koff's expertise in Aging Life Care issues offers solutions and peace of mind providing a professional approach to evaluating the needs of older adults. 

 Our Mission:

Solutions and Peace of Mind

Providing comprehensive clinical evaluation and assessment of physical, functional, and social abilities (identifying problems and need for services and eligibility for assistance).  

Knowledgeable about entitlements and programs available to older adults; reviewing financial, legal, or medical issues and offering appropriate referrals.  

Understanding the care needs and living arrangements of an older adult with the goal of safety and autonomy are a priority.  Home care options which include placement alternatives such as assisted living and nursing homes are explored to coordinate with care needs.

Education and counseling to alleviate the strain and stress experienced by adult children and family members.


An elder care specialist can help make sure your loved one gets the best possible care and receive benefits to which they are entitled.  


Private services to elderly clients and their families on a fee for service basis

A Resource for Older Adults purpose is to define and promote the highest standards of practice when assisting older individuals and their families in the design and implementation of programs for the elder which maximizes independence and well being.

An elder care specialist, implements care plans which incorporate the greatest degree of autonomy, safety and comfort for the older adult.  

An elder care specialist offers the older adult and family assurance that an objective professional is available to maintain personal contact with the older person, caregivers, family and other involved professionals (doctors, attorneys, accountants, financial planners, trust officers, banks etc.).

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